the love of my life,baby ayra is 5 months old today..alhamdulillah,she's now a smart n healthy baby..sangat tak sangka saya dah jadi mommy for 5 months..rasa macam baru semalam she came out from me =) how time really flies..too many things i've learned for dis past 5 months..never expected before dat being a mommy is a very very wonderful thing (tiring pon ya juga,but i dont mind ;p) she's the best thing dat ever happened to me! but very sad that ayra is not feeling well since last monday =( running nose,blocked nose..all these make her very hard to breathe..sangat kesian tau watched her trying to breathe..she will scream sometime because she really dunno how to breathe using her mouth..sedih saya n encik azlan tengok ayra camtu tau..time makan ubat pon kesian..she really dont want to take her medicine..tutup mulut rapat2 (comel ni tapi kesian), tangan dia push2 our hand nak tolak syringe tu sebab nak avoid makan ubat.pandai anak mommy ni..pastu nangis beria macam kene pukul tau...sayu sangat tengok ayra camtu but saya n encik azlan have to be strong,bagi jugak ayra makan ubat sebab we want ayra to be healthy again..dr cakap ayra kene makan ubat betul-betul sebab if not, can cause asthma (betul ke spell ni?)..takut saya n encik azlan bila dengar asthma n tak sangka plak can cause asthma if not treated well..anyone have any suggestion in how to overcome her blocked nose problem?sangat kesian ayra tengok ayra try to breathe ni..
get well soon my dear ayra n happy 5months birthday sweetie..mommy n daddy love u mucho mucho..xoxo..
*gambar di atas semua gambar ayra masih berambut,last 3weeks we shaved her head bald..will update her latest pics soon =)
cutie ayra.. happy 5 months!! syiannye die tak bape sehat ey... syikin, zara pn penah ada blocked nose,.. i used the nasal aspirator to sedut, and after a while die nmpk lega... mayb zara's wasnt that bad... sbb i didnt even bring her to see d doc. but since u bwk, just finish the medication dlu kot, n see how it goes from thr.. get well soon baby ayra :)
ReplyDeletethanks amal!ayra's blocked nose quite bad..tried d nasal aspirator but it didnt work..yes,i'll finish d medication 1st then we'll see how =)
ReplyDeletehappy 5 months little ayra! comel baju kurung awk. aunty nk pinjam can? hee!
ReplyDeletehi shi.. kalau blocked nose, adam's paed suruh pakai sea water nasal spray brand sterimar.. aku suka sbb cepat je keluar yang blocked tu.. even aku pun pakai kadang2 :p the good thing is menda tu sea water bukan ubat so x worry of overdose ke apa.. maybe u can try that :)
ReplyDeletelea: thanks aunty lea =)aunty can borrow my baju kurung ;)
ReplyDeletekam: yes kem,ayra pon dah start pakai sterimar tu last saturday..paeds dah suruh first aku cam wonder gak,sea water?!bole ke?but after a while,it seems very good..hee..suke!blocked nose pon dah kurang n can clean nose as well =)betul-betul,adult pon bole pakai juge!`
hi Shi ;) aku add blog ko ok. gambar ayra baring dgn moyang tu paling cute! sukaaa hehe
ReplyDeletehi djonette..sile la add..really appreciate it..will add yours too ya!aku pon suke gambar itu!!ade sentimental value =)
ReplyDeleteeh...awak..anak dh besar eh..
ReplyDeleteye awak..anak saya dah besar sket..dah 6 bulan =)
ReplyDeletehi blog ada dlm ur list (simple life)..but saya dah blok itu blog. ni blog baru saya peacee;)
ReplyDeleteopload stori lagi.. comey baby awakk..;)
hi mummy ayra!
ReplyDeletecome visit our little shop
see ya!